Friday, January 29, 2010

it's just one of those days...

I know consistency is key, but this is my blog!  My blog dammit, and I'm not going to ignore it.  

Today was so full of fail--at least for me.  I've realized that if earning my degree is not exciting me and that it feels like a chore everytime I do it.  Is it worth it?  Am I really happy?  In both my classes, I asked myself if getting my degree was what I really wanted?  I mean I've come this far, and for what?  To drop in the middle of everything and either (a) get a dead end job (b.) change majors or (c.) keep my major and start a new one...yes double major, or minor!

Today, in my Shakespeare class, I raised my hand for the first time just so I could show the professor that I'm interested, not just in quiet contemplation.  I spew out something from my notes and I have a serious moment of realization.  I mean, she didn't patronize me and she knew that I was trying ((not hard enough)).  She's a cool professor, it's me I'm worried about.

Why am I posting again?  Oh, right...


Wake up, man!  I need to wake up and just be inspired again.  Oh mystical blog, help me overcome my state of mind and see through my misty, bog filled future.

Just write.  That's how it all started.